Wrap up an industry engagement

How you wrap up an industry engagement is as important as how you begin.
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What you need to know
  1. At the end of an industry engagement, communicate your findings to suppliers.
  2. Make sure you evaluate how effective the engagement has been.
  3. Where the engagement is ongoing, carry out regular reviews.
  4. Ideally, an industry engagement’s value should extend beyond the life of one procurement activity.

Know how to wrap up an engagement

Most industry engagements are intended to come to an end at some stage. When you've learned all you can, share your outcomes with suppliers who participated.

If an engagement is ongoing, make sure to review it annually or at significant points in time.

During your reviews, check that the goals of the industry engagement strategy are still relevant to your needs.

Evaluate the impact of the engagement

Industry engagement is effective when it helps you meet your needs through an innovative and competitive procurement process.

As a minimum, evaluate:

  • whether the engagement met your objectives
  • what benefits were achieved
  • whether anything should be done differently in future engagements.

This isn’t a full list of evaluation criteria, but it provides a base from which your evaluation process can evolve.

Provide feedback about the engagement

Industry engagement helps you improve and promote your procurement activities.

Potential suppliers play a key role in this process, so make sure you provide them with feedback on the value and relevance of their contributions. This will benefit suppliers who may be interested in future engagements and procurements with NSW Government. It also demonstrates your commitment to working with industry.

Maintain relationships with the industry

Every industry engagement should stay relevant beyond a single procurement activity.

By maintaining ongoing strategic relationships with key suppliers and stakeholders, you can keep a finger on the pulse of the market. This will help you stay ahead of changing market conditions.

It will also give your suppliers the potential to continue to provide ongoing feedback on your procurement strategy and policies.