Cloud Purchasing Arrangements (CPA)

  • Mandatory
Date: 9 Sep 2019
Updated: 28 Jan 2022
Managed: Digital.NSW Contact owner
Type: Whole of government
Contract Number: 864
Whole-of-government contracts for cloud services from hyperscale cloud service providers (CSPs).

What's covered

The contracts are designed for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) via the public cloud delivery model for NSW Government buyers.

Depending on the supplier and contract terms, the scope may also extend to other deployment types, such as community and private cloud, as well as other service types.

IaaS (infrastructure as a service)

  • compute
  • storage
  • network and security
  • secure internet gateway (SIG)
  • cross domain gateway (CDG)

PaaS (platform as a service)

Professional services

  • cloud training
  • cloud onboarding
  • cloud migration
  • other

What you need to know

Form of agreement

The form of agreement for each contract varies from supplier to supplier, but generally takes the form of:

  • a head agreement defining the provider's product and service menu, security program and commercial offer
  • a customer contract under which orders are placed.

CPA customer contracts allow multiple orders over time via order forms or through a provider.

Product and service menu

Each supplier has a product and service menu, which includes service descriptions and service levels. This may be incorporated into the contract as an attachment or by reference to publicly available service offerings.

Where possible, we've included the supplier’s standardised service offering. This helps keep prices as low as possible for customers.

Pricing and discounts

Each CPA includes a commercial framework, including discounts, to ensure customers can achieve the best value for money.

Maximum prices and the head agreement price list set a price ceiling. Buyers can negotiate reduced prices or deeper discounts based on:

  • committed spend
  • upfront payment
  • contract term.

The pricing and commercial framework for each supplier is available to customers under a confidentiality arrangement. Please email

New services

New services may be added over time to each supplier's product and service menu. This ensures that buyers can access the latest offerings.

Suppliers may also supply services outside of the product and service menu. They must seek approval from the Department of Customer Service, acting as the contract authority, to do this.


Any value-adds that suppliers provide to a customer contract must be presented transparently. The contract must set out:

  • the total value of the value-add
  • how the value is calculated
  • the percentage discount to the contract price that the value-add represents.

Service catalogue updates

DCS is responsible for service catalogue updates. We will notify suppliers if pricing updates are needed, and notify customers of any changes.

Why use this contract

Market contestability

CPA enables customers to procure a range of product and services across major CSPs.

Better services

The adoption of cloud services represents a commitment to using digital to put more power in the hands of citizens and deliver better services.

Value for money

Better value for money for the taxpayer and benefit realisation associated with the projected growth in cloud expenditure.

Agile procurement

Enabling agile procurement of cloud services follows the strategy and goal of transforming the public service to being more agile, data driven and focused on designing and delivering customer centric services in the digital economy.

Streamlined procurement

Once a contract signed, customers can raise multiple orders via a simplified order form or electronically, depending on CSP.

Who to contact

The contract is managed by the ICT/Digital Sourcing within the Department of Customer Service (DCS). The contract authority:

  • acts as the contract authority for the CPA
  • provides the performance management function
  • supports agencies and clusters on customer contracts
  • conducts refreshes and intakes.

You can contact us at

Who's eligible to buy

Most of the contracts within the CPA are available to all government agencies and eligible buyers.

However, this may vary between suppliers. In some cases, some elements of a supplier’s commercial offer may not extend to non-government bodies.

To confirm your eligibility, please email

New Suppliers

The CPA panel is currently closed to new suppliers, but we might open it occasionally. When that occurs, we will announce it through the NSW Government tendering platform.

New suppliers can register on Supplier Hub to receive notifications about business opportunities that match their profile.

How to buy

Step 1. Review the product and service menu

To request a copy of the product and service menu and price list, please email

Access to this information is available under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

Step 2. Determine number of quotes

Buyers must exercising due diligence when procuring services from the CPA.

Accredited agencies must follow their own procurement processes.

Unaccredited agencies may need to get multiple quotes as per Board Direction PBD-2021-04.

Step 3. Negotiate custom service levels, if needed

Buyers can try to negotiate custom service levels as agency-specific requirements.

However, suppliers don't have to agree to custom service levels. If they do agree, it may be subject to extra fees and charges.

Step 4. Place an order

Orders are placed against customer contracts. Each agency is responsible for managing their own customer contract.

The ordering process is different for each supplier as defined in their contract. Generally, orders are placed is either via order forms or a CSP’s portal.

How to provide feedback on supplier performance

The CPA has a supplier performance management process that monitors compliance and service levels.

If you have feedback about supplier performance, please email

How to manage complaints and disputes

If a complaint or dispute occurs, both the buyer and the supplier must first seek resolution at the agency level.

You can view general information that may help you prepare for and manage complaints and disputes: