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Effective from 5 March 2024, all-of-government agreement (AoGA) C2390 Imaging Devices contract panel will be replaced by C9827 PID - Print and Imaging Devices and Services panel.

This direction clarifies the difference between consultant and non-consultant professional services, and introduces reporting requirements. It replaces PBD-2021-03.

Arrangements that apply for the procurement, engagement and use of professional services, including consultants, through the P&MS scheme (SCM0005).

  • Announcement
Updated: 23 Aug 2023

Find out how to build and manage your procurement career in the NSW public sector.

NSW Government buyers are invited to an online session on the new contract framework for procurements of infrastructure advisory services.

From 1 August 2023, agencies are recommended to use the infrastructure advisory contract framework when buying infrastructure advisory services.

New whole-of-government, mandatory contract is available now.

The new whole-of-government panel contract covers professional services for the delivery and operations of ICT.

Amendments to the Procurement Board Direction are effective now.

New whole-of-government scheme is available now.