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Displaying 1 to 10 of 31 results

Sprint 1 focused on setting innovation buying projects up for success. Sprint 2 will focus on helping buyers complete a digital innovation buying strategy and getting it approved.

  • Announcement
Updated: 13 Mar 2024

Supporting the growth of the First Nations business sector. Registration is open to all interested people.

Effective from 5 March 2024, all-of-government agreement (AoGA) C2390 Imaging Devices contract panel will be replaced by C9827 PID - Print and Imaging Devices and Services panel.

The NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner has published Guidance on Reasonable Steps to manage modern slavery risks in operations and supply-chains (GRS or guidance on reasonable steps) under his statutory powers

Buyers must ensure suppliers are registered on Supplier Hub.

  • Announcement
Updated: 23 Jan 2024

NSW Government staff are encouraged to join one or more sessions planned for the year, with the next session coming up in February.

This direction clarifies the difference between consultant and non-consultant professional services, and introduces reporting requirements. It replaces PBD-2021-03.

Arrangements that apply for the procurement, engagement and use of professional services, including consultants, through the P&MS scheme (SCM0005).

Streamlined arrangements for buying from small (and medium) businesses.

The go-live date is expected to be July 2024.